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Why Your Face Ages and What You Can Do



Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered, “When did that happen?” Aging is unavoidable as you get older. But who says you have to look like your age?

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it undergoes many changes that vary between individuals. These changes lead many people to opt for either surgical facelifts or non-surgical alternatives like the Singapore Botox treatment.

Regardless, your face ages for different reasons. Figuring out the most causal face aging factors can help you slow down or even reverse its aging. In this article, let’s look at why your face ages and what you can do about it.

Why Your Face Ages

Your skin is usually the first place where aging signs begin. Aging has a number of causal factors, including :

Loss of Collagen and Elastin

Your body’s ability to produce the elastin and collagen needed to maintain firmness and suppleness of your skin reduces as you get older. These connective tissue proteins are responsible for keeping your skin firm and bouncy. With age, the amount of these proteins in your body reduces by 1% per year, causing your skin, cheeks, jawline, and eyes to sag.

Reduction in Natural Oils

The softness and plumpness of a baby’s skin are largely due to the abundance of natural oils. Over time, your skin produces fewer natural oils, which can lead to dryness and the appearance of fine lines.

Environmental Damage

Sun exposure and even blue light from phone and laptop screens can cause damage over time.

These environmental factors break down skin cells and accelerate the aging process.

Lifestyle Choices

Smoking, drinking, stress, and lack of sleep can all damage skin. They contribute to the breakdown of skin cells and make it harder for the skin to repair itself.


Sometimes, it’s all in the family. Genetics play a role in how fast and the manner in which you age. Some genetic codes that run in some families are better adept at handling the physical signs of aging. Chances are that if your parents didn’t get a lot of fine lines in their old age, you may not have the same.

What You Can Do To Keep Your Face From Aging

Now, the good news! While aging is inevitable, there are things you can do to slow it down or reverse the effects.

Have a Skincare Routine

Establish a skincare routine that includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and using targeted treatments like retinoids or vitamin C. Retinoids are a form of Vitamin A that boost collagen production, while vitamin C helps with skin repair. Additionally, wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine. A broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 works best.

Healthy Diet

Eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants. These compounds eliminate free radicals in the body, contributing to healthy skin. Load up on fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, are particularly good for maintaining healthy skin.

Get Enough Sleep

Your skin repairs itself while you sleep, especially during the last hours of sleep. About 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night is enough for your skin cells to rejuvenate and repair themselves.

Consider Professional Treatments

Don’t hesitate to consult a dermatologist. Treatments like chemical peels, laser therapy, and microdermabrasion can make a significant difference in skin appearance through the removal of the outer layer of your skin.

Other procedures, like a surgical facelift, target the firming of loose skin. Botox and dermal fills increase facial volume lost due to fat and muscle atrophy that comes with age. They also help improve the appearance of the lines and folds around the mouth (nasolabial folds and marionette lines).


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