Interesting Facts

4 Hair Loss Treatments You May Not Know About



If you are one of the many people affected by hair loss, it’s important to be aware of the various treatments available. Some of the most well-known options include hair regrowth medications, surgeries, and lifestyle changes, such as reducing stress. But beyond these popular treatments, there are also a few unconventional hair regrowth remedies you may not know about. Here are five lesser-known treatments to help you fight your hair loss battle.

1. Hair Growth Supplements

Hair growth medications such as topical finasteride and minoxidil are known for their effectiveness in treating hair thinning and baldness. But there are also non-prescription supplements available that may serve to stimulate hair growth. Some promising hair growth supplements include an ingredient called capsaicin. This is the active ingredient found in chili peppers.

However, it’s essential to be cautious about supplements that cause hair loss, as not all products in the market are proven to be safe and effective. Capsaicin shows some evidence of promoting hair growth when administered in combination with isoflavones, which are antioxidants. It is thought that capsaicin works by increasing a hormone called insulin-like growth factor-1 in the body. This hormone acts on the hair follicle to stimulate hair growth, while an IGF-I deficiency is associated with hair loss. Therefore, taking hair growth supplements containing capsaicin may help reduce hormone-related baldness and hair thinning.

Some hair growth supplements also contain peony and licorice extracts. These may also assist in stimulating hair regrowth. It is thought that peony and licorice compounds can reduce alopecia areata, which is hair loss triggered by an immune response. These plant extracts can help moderate the body’s immune response so it doesn’t initiate an attack against its own hair follicles.

Supporting hair health and promoting hair regrowth, The Hairy Pill has shown remarkable outcomes in restoring confidence and lush locks to its users.

2. Aloe Vera Hair Masks

Aloe vera gel is a soothing ingredient that comes from the leaves of the aloe vera plant. This ingredient is commonly applied to the skin after a sunburn because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe is also a common ingredient in hair and skin products because of its hydrating and antimicrobial properties. It turns out that this beloved and versatile ingredient may also aid in combating hair loss.

Aloe vera can be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis, which is a skin disease that leads to crusty scales and an irritating rash on the scalp. Though more research needs to be done, it appears that aloe vera can help soothe scalp scales and itchiness. Aloe also contains essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and plant steroids that can boost overall scalp health. When you have a healthy scalp, you’re more likely to have healthy hair.

To test the efficacy of aloe vera on your own scalp, consider creating a mask from the famed ingredient. You can do this by scooping the aloe vera straight out of an aloe vera leaf. Then, apply a thin layer of the gooey gel directly to your scalp and hair follicles. Allow it to stay in place for up to an hour before rinsing it out. Repeat this process at least three times per week for six weeks, then make note of your results. If you see an improvement in your hair quality or thickness, continue applying aloe vera hair masks regularly.

3. Onion Juice

Onions are a highly polarizing ingredient. Whether you love them or hate them, you probably never envisioned yourself putting them in your hair. However, if you can get past the smell, onion juice is loaded with sulfur. Even though sulfur has a bad reputation for its pungent scent, it also happens to be a powerful hair-building ingredient. It can improve hair elasticity and promote hair growth in people with a patchy hair loss condition called alopecia areata.

Sulfur is a mineral that’s naturally present in the human body. It supports various body processes, including protein synthesis and metabolic function. Symptoms of sulfur deficiency include brittle skin, nails, and hair. When hair becomes too brittle, it tends to fall out and cause bald or thinning areas on the scalp. Applying onion juice directly to the scalp may help rectify this problem.

To create your onion juice hair formula, simply put an onion in a high-speed blender. Once it’s all blended, use a cheesecloth to separate the juice from the pulp. Soak some of the juice up with a cotton ball and dab the saturated cotton ball all over your scalp. Pay special attention to any areas impacted by balding or thinning hair. Leave the juice on your scalp for up to 30 minutes, then wash it away with mild shampoo and warm water. Apply this hair treatment once each week.

4. Fenugreek Paste

Fenugreek is an herb with a long history of use in alternative medicine. The seeds are also frequently added to Indian dishes to provide a sweet, rich flavor. Fenugreek seeds contain a high amount of both protein and nicotinic acid. Both of these ingredients are important for hair growth and health. For these reasons, fenugreek seeds are widely used in home remedies for hair loss.

Protein contains amino acids that form the building blocks of hair strands. Insufficient protein in the diet may promote hair loss. Nicotinic acid, also known as niacin, promotes blood flow to the hair follicles. This, in turn, helps keep the hair lustrous, strong, and thick. Since fenugreek contains both of these important hair-loving ingredients, applying fenugreek paste to your hair could promote new growth.

You can create a fenugreek seed paste by soaking one cup of fenugreek seeds overnight in water. Once the seeds are sufficiently softened, use a pestle and mortar to grind up the seeds. Alternatively, you can place the seeds in a plastic Ziploc bag and grind them into a fine paste with a rolling pin. Apply the paste to your scalp, then cover your head with a shower cap for up to 40 minutes. Rinse the paste out with plain water and repeat this process twice a week for a month.

Hair loss can be devastating, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. Along with proven prescription medications, you can use these lesser-known hair growth treatments to restore your beautiful locks.

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